

VidAU AI is an AI-powered platform that enables businesses to create high-quality video and audio content quickly and efficiently with automated tools, multi-language support, and extensive customization options.
Video Generation
Audio Generation
Free Tier
Marketing Videos

What Is the Introduction of VidAU AI?

VidAU AI is an advanced video and audio generation platform designed to help businesses create high-quality, engaging multimedia content effortlessly. By leveraging the power of artificial intelligence, VidAU AI allows users to produce professional-grade videos and audio tracks without the need for extensive technical skills or resources. This makes it an ideal tool for e-commerce retailers who want to enhance their online presence and improve customer engagement through visually appealing and informative content.

What Are the Features of VidAU AI?

Automated Video Creation

VidAU AI automates the process of video creation, allowing users to generate videos by simply inputting text, images, or other media. This feature is particularly useful for creating product showcase videos quickly and efficiently.

Multi-Language Support

With support for multiple languages, VidAU AI enables businesses to create content that can reach a global audience. This feature is essential for e-commerce businesses looking to expand their market internationally.

Customization Options

VidAU AI provides extensive customization options, allowing businesses to personalize videos with their brand's colors, logos, and messaging. This ensures that all content remains consistent with the brand's identity.

High-Quality Outputs

The platform produces high-resolution videos that are suitable for various platforms, including social media, websites, and online advertisements. This ensures that the content looks professional and appealing to potential customers.

Voiceover Generation

VidAU AI can create natural-sounding voiceovers in different languages and accents. This feature is ideal for creating instructional videos, product demonstrations, and advertisements with a professional touch.

Content Templates

VidAU AI offers a variety of templates for different types of videos, such as promotional, instructional, and social media content. This helps users get started quickly and maintain consistency across their videos.

Analytics and Reporting

The platform includes tools for analyzing the performance of videos, providing insights into viewer engagement and effectiveness. This information can be used to optimize future content and marketing strategies.

How Does VidAU AI Help with Running an E-Commerce Business?

Improved Customer Engagement

Engaging video content can capture the attention of potential customers more effectively than text alone. Videos can showcase products in a dynamic and interactive way, highlighting features and benefits that might be missed in written descriptions.

Increased Conversion Rates

Product demonstration videos can help explain features and benefits in a clear and concise manner, leading to higher conversion rates. Customers are more likely to make a purchase when they can see the product in action and understand how it works.

Enhanced Marketing Campaigns

VidAU AI enables businesses to create compelling marketing content quickly and easily. This allows for more frequent updates and promotions, keeping the audience engaged and informed about new products and offers.

Cost-Effective Content Creation

Traditional video production can be expensive and time-consuming. VidAU AI reduces these costs by automating the process and eliminating the need for professional equipment and expertise.

Time Efficiency

The platform's automation and easy-to-use interface save time on content creation, allowing businesses to focus on other critical operations. This is especially beneficial for small businesses with limited resources.

Consistent Branding

By providing customization options, VidAU AI ensures that all video content remains consistent with the brand's identity. This helps build brand recognition and trust among customers.

What Are the Use Cases of VidAU AI?

Marketing Content

Create promotional videos, product advertisements, and social media content. VidAU AI makes it easy to produce high-quality marketing materials that can attract and retain customers.

Instructional Videos

Develop how-to guides and tutorials for customers to better understand how to use products. These videos can reduce the number of customer support inquiries and improve customer satisfaction.

Multi-Language Videos

Produce content in different languages to reach a broader audience. This is particularly useful for businesses that operate in multiple countries or want to expand their market internationally.

TikTok and Social Media Content

Generate short, engaging videos specifically tailored for platforms like TikTok and Instagram. This helps businesses reach younger audiences and stay relevant in the fast-paced world of social media.

Customer Testimonials and Reviews

Compile customer feedback into engaging video formats to build trust and credibility. Video testimonials are more persuasive than written reviews and can significantly influence purchasing decisions.

Product Launches

Create impactful videos for new product launches, highlighting key features and benefits. These videos can generate excitement and anticipation among potential customers.

Seasonal Campaigns

Produce themed videos for seasonal campaigns, such as holiday promotions or back-to-school sales. This helps businesses capitalize on peak shopping periods and boost sales.

What Is the Pricing Plan of VidAU AI?

VidAU AI offers a variety of pricing plans to cater to different business needs:

  • Free Plan: This plan is available at no cost and provides basic features with limited usage, ideal for small businesses or those wanting to test the platform.
  • Basic Plan: This plan offers several options:
    • 200 credits for $9.9 monthly
    • 400 credits for $40 monthly
    • 600 credits for $60 monthly
    • Annual subscriptions: $16 per month with 2400 credits, $32 per month with 4800 credits, and $48 per month with 7200 credits.
  • Business Plan: Tailored for growing businesses, this plan includes:
    • 800 credits for $80 monthly
    • 1000 credits for $100 monthly
    • 1200 credits for $120 monthly
    • Annual subscriptions: $64 per month with 9600 credits, $80 per month with 12000 credits, and $96 per month with 14400 credits.
  • Enterprise Plan: This plan offers customized solutions for large enterprises with extensive content creation needs. Pricing and features can be tailored to specific requirements, and interested businesses should contact VidAU AI sales for detailed information.

What Are the Frequently Asked Questions on VidAU AI?

Here are some common questions about VidAU AI:

  • What is VidAU AI?: VidAU AI is an AI-powered platform for creating video and audio content, designed to simplify the content creation process for businesses.
  • Who can benefit from VidAU AI?: E-commerce retailers, marketers, content creators, and businesses of all sizes can benefit from using VidAU AI.
  • Is there a free trial available?: Yes, VidAU AI offers a free plan with basic features, allowing users to test the platform before committing to a paid plan.
  • Can I customize my videos?: Yes, VidAU AI provides extensive customization options, including branding elements, colors, logos, and messaging.
  • What languages are supported?: VidAU AI supports multiple languages, making it ideal for businesses that operate internationally or want to reach a global audience.
  • How long does it take to create a video?: The time varies depending on the complexity of the video, but VidAU AI significantly speeds up the process compared to traditional methods.
  • Is technical knowledge required?: No, VidAU AI is designed to be user-friendly and requires no technical expertise. The platform's intuitive interface makes it easy for anyone to create professional-quality videos.


In conclusion, VidAU AI is a versatile and powerful tool that can greatly benefit e-commerce businesses by simplifying the process of creating high-quality video and audio content. With its wide range of features, support for multiple languages, and various pricing plans, VidAU AI is well-suited to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes. By using VidAU AI, e-commerce retailers can enhance their marketing efforts, improve customer engagement, and ultimately drive more sales. Whether you are a small startup or a large enterprise, VidAU AI offers the tools you need to create compelling and effective content for your e-commerce business.